User-manual of AVideo


Here you can find help, how this plattform works.


Here you find information about how to handle videos.

Add videos

There are various kinds of media you can integrate here. They are working different:

MediatypeHow to setNotes
AudioVia encoder or direct uploadVia encoder, most formats are possible, but you need to enable the Extract audio-option. With direct upload, only MP3 and OGG is allowed
VideoVia encoder or direct uploadVia encoder, most formats are possible. With direct upload, only MP4 is allowed
EingebettetMy videos->Embed a video link->EmbeddedOnly direct mp3- or ogg-files - if you download it with the link, it should be a movie-file. No google-drive or stream-hoster. Also, do not mix https and http.
Direct audio-link (mp3 or ogg)My videos->Embed a video link->Choose Direct audio-link (mp3 or ogg)Only direct mp3- or ogg-files - if you download it with the link, it should be a movie-file. No google-drive or stream-hoster. Also, do not mix https and http.
Direct video-link (mp4)My videos->Embed a video->Choose Direct video-link (mp4)Only direct mp4-files - if you download it with the link, it should be a movie-file. No google-drive or stream-hoster. Also, do not mix https and http.

Edit videos

After you add any kind of video, you can find it in Meine Videos

On the right site, you find various symbols, means edit.

There, you can set

  • Preview-picture and gif
  • Title and description
  • Kategorie
  • Next video

With the other options, you can delete, rotate and promote a video

Use a video as a ad

To use a video as a ad, go to Meine Videos -> Edit-symbol and enable Create an Advertising.

After enabling this, you can directly set some options, like the name, link and active categorie for example.

When the video is saved like this, it will show up under the menu-point Video Advertising, where you can edit the ad-options.


Wenn Du Medien anschaust, kannst du diese Tastenkürzel nutzen.
